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bacaartikeldisiniaja -- Being perverted and prone to questioning things, I decided to do some research on the derogatory term "Luddites" ("What do you mean, you're not going to upgrade to XP, Luddites!" etc.) .A Luddite, in today's parlance, is someone who opposes new technology. Using this definition, a dedicated radit would probably perform mathematical calculations on the beach with sticks and wet sand. Assuming, of course, that the stick wasn't manufactured! Isn't that crazy?

After all, my natural instinct to smell injustice was right. The Luddites were a group of early 19th-century British cottage industry artisans who struggled to maintain their way of life. As we know history is written by the winners. In this case, the winner was not a Luddite. As a result, the smear campaign promoted by the government and factory owners at the time stalled, and they were portrayed as fools afraid of change. It's false information. What they were actually protesting was the destruction of their way of life due to the introduction of large-scale textile factories. And what an enviable way of life it was. Imagine a small cottage in the idyllic English countryside (go to iTunes Downloads and play 'Morning' by Peer Gynt Suite).

Butterflies flit from colorful flower to colorful flower, and birds chirp sweetly in the lush green trees beside the babbling brook. In the hut the weavers happily complete their latest creations for the European market. He knows how much he is being paid because the price of the goods never changes. His wife and children are happy to help him with his work. 

He takes a break from work to unwind, goes out into the garden to check the growth of spinach, pulls weeds out of a potato patch, throws leftovers from the family's dinner to the chickens..I think I can. Please handle it!

So these craftsmen, faced with the destruction of their self-built lives by mechanical technology, petitioned Congress to no avail. I started destroying the machine that caused it. They were not technophobes, but people who responded to a very real threat to their idyllic cottage industry lifestyle. They didn't target all technology, they targeted technology that negatively impacted their lives.

That's the point. A quick look at the true history of the Luddite movement reveals that it was well thought out, and that the Luddites were afraid to change themselves, but feared the ill effects that change would bring. The Luddites predicted fairly accurately that the factories would destroy the independent and subsistence lifestyles of most of them. continued.

A more correct definition of a Luddite, therefore, is someone who is against technology that does not improve the human condition, and someone who believes that not all technology is good technology. For example, look at the pogo sticks!! 

The Luddites weren't fighting technology, they were fighting technology's impact on quality of life. Remember what your computer does for your quality of life? A paperless office automates all the simple and tedious tasks,

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