RSS optimizes communication between publishers and readers. Since the surge in popularity of RSS, a webmaster has been experimenting with using his RSS feeds to deliver content in new and innovative ways. RSS feeds typically contain headlines and content summaries. Content summaries provide enough information without overwhelming the reader with unnecessary details. If readers are interested and need additional information, they can click on an article in the feed to visit her website with additional details. An RSS reader aggregates multiple feeds and makes it easy and quick to browse the information contained in each individual feed. Feeds are typically themed and users can subscribe to feeds that interest them.
A great advantage of RSS is that individuals can opt-in to interesting content and have complete control over the flow of information they receive. When the quality of content in a feed begins to degrade, a user can simply remove that feed from her RSS reader and stop receiving updates from that source. RSS readers act as aggregators that allow users to view and scan multiple streams of content in a timely manner. RSS is a great complementary communication method that doesn't burden publishers with maintaining lists or adhering to strict privacy policies. RSS feeds are created based on user preferences, reducing the burden on email newsletter publishers. Publishers no longer have to worry about spam, privacy policies, or age guidelines.
Publishers using RSS as a means of communication create keyword-rich, thematic content that builds trust, builds reputation, and enables ongoing communication with current and potential customers.
What kind of information can be delivered in an RSS feed? blog feed
Many blogs are cataloged in an RSS feed, with each blog post grouped as a feed item. This allows visitors to easily browse blog posts for objects of interest.
article feed
Articles are often placed in feeds to alert readers when new articles and content are available. A feed item is typically an article summary or introduction. Readers can decide if the article interests them and continue reading. forum feed
Many forums now have add-ons that allow participants to receive forum posts via her RSS. RSS feeds often show the latest discussion topics. Interested users can simply click into the forum and participate in the discussion. As topics are updated, new entries appear in the RSS feed.
schedule feed
Schools, clubs, and organizations often use feeds to communicate meeting times, locations, and possible events. RSS feeds are widely used to publish events and to notify the community of schedule changes and meeting agendas. Discount/Special Feed
Retailers and online stores are starting to use RSS feeds to offer the latest specials and discounts. Some online retailers go a step further and allow users to create their own feeds based on keywords and phrases.
For example, this service generates a URL that you can enter into your newsreader. The feed is updated whenever products are added to Amazon that meet the specified criteria or keywords - Amazon Search Feed -
Ego/Message Monitoring
Businesses and individuals who want to receive headlines based on specific brands or keywords can use RSS feeds to monitor news sources.
For example, users can create feeds that allow them to receive filtered news from Google News using the following tools: Get only articles related to specific keywords or phrases you set -
Industry-specific uses for RSS feeds include:
A technical expert in a specific industry also developed his RSS.