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Blending Colors

 If you are familiar with software applications such as Adobe Photoshop, Flash, and other drawing programs, you are probably familiar with Swatches. Swatches contain a variety of colors that can be used when creating web design, graphic design, and animation. There are new innovations in these patterns. This is the so-called color blender.

According to a blog titled "Color Blender" posted on www.eightlines.com by Neil on October 27, 2004, the author states that with this Color Blender you can take two colors and create up to 10 different colors. can be mixed to get those colors. HTML hexadecimal code. How can I do this? It's actually as easy as 1-2-3. 

The article also mentioned the following steps: First, you need to choose a color value format, enter two valid CSS color values ​​in the chosen format, and select the number of intermediate points to display. In this step, the palette displays the colors you entered, the number of center colors you requested, and the values ​​for those colors. All numbers are rounded to the nearest integer. Clicking on a square in the "waterfall" display will populate the highlighted entry with the appropriate value. Also, switching the value format converts all existing values. Clicking the Clear button removes all values ​​and colors, but does not change the format of the current values.

This allows the graphics professional and his web developer to experiment with more color combinations in their projects, allowing them to be more creative and innovative in their work. Kudos to the programmers for this simple but very important program. More powerful!

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