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Blog It And They Will Come

 If you want a dream environment where you can write a blog and they will come, forget it. According to recent statistics from blog search engine Technorati, a new blog comes online every 7.8 seconds. Well, talk about having to exceed the noise level to be audible. How on earth are you going to keep an eye on your blog when there is so much competition?

Unlike e-zine subscriptions and autoresponder emails, it's not the number of visitors that matters, but the quality of visitors and how often they come back to read your blog.

Quality in this case refers to how often you click on revenue-generating links on your blog and how often you buy things about your blog. Of course, if you're running an altruistic blog with no revenue-generating features, your only concern is how often readers come back for your enlightening knowledge, expertise, biting sarcasm, or humor. It is Either way, these are two measures of a successful blog. Don't get me wrong, readership counts, of course, but 1,000 loyal readers who come back regularly are better than his 5,000 who come once and never see him again. increase.

No free traffic!

When a blogger says, "I don't pay for traffic. Nothing is 'free', my friends." Either you pay for traffic with money or you pay for traffic with time. There is no "free" road.

So you have to decide which of these situations best describes you.

A) More money than time.

If you're blessed, you should have an advertising plan that helps you spend your money wisely. Advertising planning involves researching the different advertising programs available, researching the demographics of the traffic you receive, creating a budget, setting up mystery shopping, and analyzing revenue. No need to create an advertising plan. You can only do the best you can by throwing money at various possible solutions. If you do this too often, all your money will be gone and you will automatically fall into the "B" category of "money over time" because you still have no traffic.

B) Time is more than money.

You run a great blog and few people already love it, but you are in financial trouble. do you have any hope

Yes, I have a lot of hope. But all it takes is enough ingenuity and time to turn your intelligence into traffic. Believe it or not, you need to create an advertising plan. Even if you don't spend money, you do spend time. Time is money and if you waste your time, you lose the chance to get traffic to your site. No matter how you end up paying for traffic, time or money, first you have to make an investment by buying "knowledge" from someone who has already been there and has done this and received a t-shirt This way you can spend less and get more money and time.

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