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Blogs vs. Content-Sites

bacaartikeldisiniaja -- I'm currently building a content site and more in my spare time. By my definition, a content site is more or less what James Martell does. Search for keywords, define your topic, list the content you want on your site, and then start writing (or get someone to write for you).

After that, all that's left is to build the site, assemble the web pages, get a domain name and his web hosting.

After that, it goes around looking for link partners. I think most people understand the meaning of blogging. But for some newbies, I'll try to explain what it is: A blog is a website that contains one article after another, written one after the other. Content is not written all at once. But more likely it will be updated along the way. Blogs list articles in chronological order, with the most recent first. MoneyClicking.net is a blog. Blogs are typically supported by systems or scripts. You can use Blogger.com (remote host), Wordpress (PHP script), Movable Type (Perl script), etc.

Anyway, back to the topic. I was talking on the phone with a friend and came to the conclusion that having a blog is better because it is easier to get traffic.

why? Well, some mechanics of blogging and the culture of blogging make it easier.

For one, it's easier to get inbound links. Please tell me how. 

blog ping

First, there is something called PING. With blog ping, whenever you write a new article on your blog, you can set some ping site addresses to let you know when you update your blog. Doing this will return a link to your website. Ping sites are like Technorati.com and BlogRolling.com. News sites such as MSN News, Yahoo News, and MoreOver also have ping addresses. Many other blogs also ping these pages, so they may not have been on this page for a long time. But more or less it helps. I checked my web stats and the traffic is coming from the site I pinged.


Then there is also TRACKBACK. Last week, I had a friend explain how trackbacks work. Now I will speak to you. On a blog, every article you create has a unique URL. Each item also has a unique trackback URL. If you're reading someone else's blog, we recommend looking for the trackback URL and copying it.

How to use the trackback URL. Let's say you are reading someone else's blog. And he just wrote something about caring for cats. And somehow I feel like he has something to say about what he wrote. Write a message on your blog, enter each other's trackback URLs at the bottom of the interface, and click the Send button.

This new article will now appear on your blog. Also, because you're entering a trackback URL, parts of the article will appear as comments on each other's articles. And that comment links directly to your article. This is how trackbacks work.

blog comments

A third reason blogs are better than content sites is blog comments. I'm here

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