"Ephemeral to eternity." He explained the permanent imprint we leave as Internet users. In short, our most pressing needs and whimsical curiosities are forever recorded through the search process. These electronic etchings act as treasure maps for opportunists who are agile enough to read them. Search is extremely important to both users and businesses, and there is no better advisor than Mr. Battelle today. It's a common occurrence when people ask me about quests. Feel free to visit his blog his Searchblog (www.battellemedia.com) soon.
Last week, I went to New York City with Diana Lee, vice president of sales for ICMediaDirect.com, to hear from Mr. Battelle. It was 212 Engagement's "Newsmaker Night" sponsored by CBS Digital Media. He is the author of his The Search:
How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture and has an influential search industry blog aptly named Searchblog. He founded The Standard and Wired Magazine. What interests me, among other things, is that his opinion shapes opinion in the world of search. Simply put, Battelle's qualifications are impressive.
With all this achievement, Battelle still has work to do. He is a professor on leave at the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California, Berkeley, and president and editor of Federated Media Publishing (FM). we read. With
FM taking up most of his efforts these days, Battelle spends a lot of time on his business and blogging in general. His presentation was as witty and easy to understand as his writing. His experience is closely related to and mirrored by internet and search trends, so we found his messages to be relevant and relevant.
Battelle's Federated Media for bloggers. But not just bloggers. There are literally millions. The only ones are those that have an established readership. FM gives them the promotion and control they need to give them the freedom to do what they do best: blogging. FM's steady star is Boing, which ranks in the top five on readers' blogs.
Battelle explained his vision of FM as an advertising network for top bloggers of all kinds, but also offered some interesting thoughts for aspiring bloggers.
1) Update regularly. The fascination with outdated personal experiences plagues readers, he emphasized. .
2) I have something to say. Battelle gave an example of a failed blog. It's a corporate blog that started when there was nothing to say. Think of your blog as a vehicle of expression, a tool for writers to explain themselves. Nobody wants an empty newspaper.
It was my first experience meeting a respected blogger. There was also an unexpected shock on Searchblog. It may not come as a complete surprise, but the site shows the appeal of blog-based readers. He casually mentioned 75,000 regular visitors. That fact blew my mind. The informal atmosphere of my favorite blogs makes me feel like the content I read is under the author, random readers, worthless lazy, and me. die