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Redirects and Search Engine Optimization

There are several reasons for redirecting URLs. For one thing, the web page may have moved, but the old URL may still be in users' bookmarks or search engine indexes. Without implementing sorting or redirecting, this traffic will be lost to a 404 error page.

You may want to register multiple extensions for your domain name:

"mydomain.com", "mydomain.net", "mydomain.org", "mydomain.net", "mydomain.org" Your website hosted typically on mydomain.com.

Alternatively, if your business sells multiple products, you can give each one a separate domain name and point it to a specific subdirectory of your main website. For example, if you have a website called "businessvideos.com" that sells a product called "Marketing Made Easy", you can set up a domain like "marketingmadeeasy.com" to redirect to the

www subdirectory. businessvideos.com/marketingmadeeasy/. There are several ways to redirect a

domain, but most of them cause problems for search engines. A search engine-friendly way to redirect URLs is through what's called a 301 redirect (you can see how Google and Yahoo! explicitly support this type of redirect). Here are my take on different redirect methods and their impact on SEO: This method allows you to set the number of seconds before a visitor is automatically redirected to a new page. Search engines don't like this method due to potential abuse:

Create pages optimized for non-competing search terms and automatically redirect unsuspecting visitors to any URL can do. For example, it might be relatively easy to create a page about English literature, get it indexed and rank highly in search engines, and redirect visitors to casinos or Viagra websites. If search engines allowed this, users would quickly stop trusting them. For this reason, search engines penalize this practice and should be avoided.

Parked Domains

You can register and park additional domain names and point them to your main site's hosting account's DNS servers so that people entering the additional domains will be directed to your main site. However, with this approach, a search engine might list the same content for him twice (once for the main domain and once for the additional domain). In the past, malicious webmasters used multiple domains to spam search engines and directories, posting the same page hundreds of times on different domains. Even if the intent is good, I do not recommend this approach of redirecting additional domains. Because search engines may penalize duplicate content on your site.

302 and 301 Redirects

When a page or URL is requested by a browser, agent, or spider, the web server hosting the page looks in a file called .htaccess. This file contains instructions on how to handle a particular request and also plays an important role in security. You can modify your .htaccess file to tell browsers, agents, or spiders that a page has been moved temporarily (302 redirect) or permanently (301 redirect). You can usually implement this redirection using your web host's control panel instead of working directly with the ".htaccess" file. 

a search engine perspective, a 301 redirect is the only acceptable way to redirect a URL. For moved pages, search engines only index the new URL, but shift the link popularity from the old URL to the new URL.

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