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The Elements Of Graphic Design

bacaartikeldisiniaja -- Graphic design is a very broad field and mastering it can be quite a daunting adventure. Understanding the basic elements and principles that make up effective design and page layout will give you a good understanding of graphic design. I can do it.

Graphic Design is a course that combines text and graphics to develop interactive works of art. Designers use the elements and principles of graphic design to achieve their goals. In today's world, graphic design has a huge impact on us. Wherever you go and wherever you look, graphic design materials are everywhere: posters, billboards, newsletters, billboards.

I think everyone wants to create a masterpiece. It sounds difficult, but it really isn't. Even someone without formal graphic design training can improve his page layout and copywriting by improving design fundamentals and modern desktop publishing concepts. One-on-one lessons are available, but I highly recommend Alexander White's book Elements of Graphic Design. Alexander White is a graphic design expert. 

He has shaped the visuals of his 19 magazines and his 20 identity programs. White is also an art director and editor, as well as an advisor to numerous publications. He was previously an associate professor of design at the University of Hartford's Hartford School of Art. He has been teaching there for about 15 years. He has also lectured corporate and conference professionals on typography and design. He currently lives in New York City.

White's The Elements of Graphic Design Space, Unity, Page Architecture and Type is Page's avant-garde approach to his design. Graphics Unlike other of his design books, this book reveals the secrets of graphic design success in terms of "white space". This book examines art, design and architecture and how they relate to design elements. It also shows how white space can give solid typography or shift the load on the page. Commentary by White is also presented, using interactive designs, thought-provoking captions, and numerous illustrations to encourage designers to think outside the box and not be limited by what is depicted.

The book also describes his five elements of design: line, form, mass, texture and color. There are examples of balancing elements and creating unity and intimacy. Other important principles are placement, repetition or coherence, contrast, and the art of "white space" or nothingness. Get your copy now and experience what the designer's imagination has so much fun with.

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