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Time Saving Keyboard Shortcuts

The time is money. Also, if you always have to divide your time between mouse and keyboard, it slows you down a lot.

This is especially true when working on a laptop with an even slower pointing device.

Another arm's length answer is to learn some "handy" keyboard shortcuts. The top 9 are:

1. Fast Exit:

ALT - F4 exits the program immediately.

2. Scroll - do not click:

ALT - Press TAB to scroll through open programs.

3. Quick Select: Use

CTRL - SHIFT and use the LEFT/RIGHT/UP/DOWN ARROWS to move the cursor to quickly select an area of ​​text.

4. Cut, Copy and Paste into Chase:

CTRL - X / C / V to cut, copy and paste selected text.

5. Undo what you did:

CTRL - Z undoes everything. (Repeat:

CTRL - Y, but this varies by program.)

6. Page - No Scrolling:

Use Page Up and Page Down in MSIE to save time fiddling with scroll bars.

7. E for Explorer:

WINDOWS KEY - E Open Windows Explorer. Use the up and down arrows to quickly move between folders.

8 Quick Rename:

F2 - Rename a file or folder in Windows Explorer.

9. Fly through the form:

TAB to move the form forward and SHIFT-TAB to move backward.

With a little practice, your fingers will fly across the keyboard like a shortcut pro.

It also saves a lot of time.

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